Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A few more pics!

The group enjoying our lunch break.
Sara, John, and Emily working on their awesome deck!

Kelly & Caitlin piling the scrap porch!

The front of the Galloway home!

Volleyball Champs!

The view from the dining cabin. (The bldg in the pic is the outpost we blog from!)

Megan playing in the rain.

Guess who forgot their rain jackets? (Guess who it bothered? jk!)


  1. How creative you all become (saving and reusing the screening!). Love the pictures of everyone and the places where you are working. Wish I was there with you :) Although I do prefer my air conditioning at the moment. Keep up the good work - we're proud of you.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Glad to see all are working well together. It seems like you are accomplishing alot in record time.
    Shout out to Olivia from Chuck & Lin. They say "Hi & good job. We're proud of you."
    We are in Memphis with temps at 102 degrees.
    Keep up the excellent work.
    God Bless all of you!!!
    Love Mom & Dad (Lorraine & Brent Benson)
